Tri – Trenabol 150 BRITISH DRAGON
56,00 €
Tri-Trenabol 150 is a steroid preparation with high anabolic activity. It is in demand among professional athletes. It is effective in strength and mass-building courses, as well as during drying.
Features of the drug
Tri-Trenabol – a mixture of Trenbolone esters: Acetate, Enanthate, Hexahydrobenzyl carbonate. These are derivatives of testosterone, which affects the human hormonal system. All the components have a different half-life. Thanks to the short Acetate, the drug is quickly put to work, and the long esters allow it to stay in the body for a long time. Therefore, after injection, the action of Tri-Trenabol is powerful, quite even and long.
Anabolic index is 500% of the male hormone, androgenic – almost 400%. Excretion from the body is 5 months. The steroid does not retain water in the body and is not subject to aromatisation.
Main properties of the steroid
The effect of using Tri-Trenabol is as follows:
- significant increase in muscle mass – up to 10kg per course;
- increase in strength performance;
- suppression of catabolic effect due to lowering of cortisol levels;
- increased endurance and reduced fatigue;
- burning of subcutaneous fat;
- increase in muscle stiffness and relief;
- increased concentration of growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor-1.
For maximum results, taking this anabolic steroid must be combined with a properly selected diet and intensive training.
Side effects
Exceed the recommended dosage and prolong the course is not worth it. This threatens the following consequences:
- skin rashes;
- insomnia;
- baldness;
- aggression;
- headaches;
- decreased libido;
- trenal cough;
- local reactions – discomfort and pain after injections;
- increased blood pressure.
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